What is Embrace Ministry?
We all long to hear those precious words from our Savior: ”Well done, good and faithful servant”.
Sadly though, we have an enemy who is fiercely opposed to our joyful fruitfulness. He relentlessly works to shut down our hearts because they are the wellspring of life and ministry. As a result, our hearts slowly begin to drift away from God’s embrace – that place of acceptance and abiding in the loving fellowship of Father, Son, and Spirit. Outside God’s embrace, we begin striving in our own strength to prove our worth, control our outcomes, and meet our needs. But our loving God woos us back to His embrace where we experience spiritual connection, true identity, transformation, and fruitfulness.
This is the vision of Embrace ministry: Gospel workers unleashed in God’s love. We come alongside teams on mission together to ignite personal spiritual transformation for the sake of the gospel.
The journey with Embrace ministry begins with a facilitated team spiritual retreat – usually 48 hours. Our desire for the retreat is to create an environment in which we can slow down from our busy lives, reconnect with our loving God, and return to abiding in His embrace. Through Bible teaching, personal reflection, discussion, and a variety of engaging activities, we set a table for the Lord to minister to each of us as He desires.
Since transformation is not an event but a lifelong journey, we follow up with the team after the retreat with select resources and practical next steps as the team continues their growth journey together.

Four Crucial Practices
Embrace ministry focuses on 4 crucial practices, not because they’re the only important ones but because they’re so often misunderstood or neglected in our spiritual journeys:
Attuning to
God’s voice
Living in
Engaging our
Doing life with
spiritual friends