About Embrace Retreats
Our hope for teams engaging in Embrace Ministry
The journey with Embrace ministry begins with a facilitated team spiritual retreat – usually 48 hours. Our desire for the retreat is to create an environment in which we can slow down from our busy lives, reconnect with our loving God, and return to abiding in His embrace. Through Bible teaching, personal reflection, discussion, and a variety of engaging activities, we set a table for the Lord to minister to each of us as He desires.
Since transformation is not an event but a lifelong journey, we follow up with the team after the retreat with select resources and practical next steps as the team continues their growth journey together.
After participating in the Embrace retreat, we pray that each team member…
Feels refreshed in their walk with God.
Feels renewed hope and desire for increasing intimacy with God, no matter how they came into our time together.
Has identified some spiritual practices and resources which they can begin using right away to help them in their spiritual journey.
Mid-term: We pray that the team will desire to keep personal spiritual transformation a key part of their culture/goals in the future, regularly utilizing team time to intentionally encourage and nurture team spirituality.
Long-term: We pray that over time the team becomes such a vibrant, joyful, loving community that God carries this transformation to their partners and produces an abundant harvest in their fields of ministry.