
Breakfast Burritos on Holy Ground
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Breakfast Burritos on Holy Ground

What turns an unanticipated breakfast stop into sacred space? And what does that have to do with how Jesus related to His disciples? Read on to catch a glimpse into how the answers to these questions can help you establish and grow a spiritual friendship that thrives!

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It’s a Wonderful Life with Spiritual Friends
Don Reynard Don Reynard

It’s a Wonderful Life with Spiritual Friends

Do you have anything in common with George Bailey, the central character in “It’s a Wonderful Life”?  You have more than you might think!  Read how God designed us from the very beginning to need not only Him, but also one another.

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The journey of a lifetime
Don Reynard Don Reynard

The journey of a lifetime

Does beauty really come from ashes?  Read how God led Rosalyn to engage her own story and find hope, healing, and wholeness in the most unlikely of places.

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Cindy’s story of transformation
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Cindy’s story of transformation

Just as Jesus commanded those around the resurrected Lazarus to unbind him and let him go, we too need help removing the "grave clothes" of our past lives before Jesus. We are all transformed by God in His perfect timing, through His unfailing love and grace. This transformation continues as we share transparent testimonies and stories, walk in the light, pray together, and grow in the Word.

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The Importance of Story in the Bible and Our Lives
Don Reynard Don Reynard

The Importance of Story in the Bible and Our Lives

Each of us has a backstory. As followers of Jesus should we simply move forward in life leaving the past behind, or might God be inviting us to robust engagement of our stories? In this month’s blogpost Dave takes us on a journey through his year of Bible reading devoted to this question.

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Of Brains-on-Sticks and Precious Jars
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Of Brains-on-Sticks and Precious Jars

Everyday experience seems to lean heavily towards knowing God with our minds, but what if there is so much more? In this month’s post Rosalyn explores through Scripture and through her own story what it means to experience God in and through our good bodies.

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The tragedy of friendly fire
Don Reynard Don Reynard

The tragedy of friendly fire

Friendly fire is a killer, not only in military contexts but also our own souls. Confusing our hearts and what the Bible calls "our flesh" can have disastrous consequences. Read how God is redeeming such a story of "friendly fire" in Don's life.

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Out with the old, in with the new
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Out with the old, in with the new

What is the Christian life all about? Is it primarily about avoiding sin and waiting for Jesus to return? Don thought so growing up, and it eventually made him miserable. Read how living out of our new hearts can make all the difference.

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My story of attuning to God’s voice
Don Reynard Don Reynard

My story of attuning to God’s voice

Our heavenly Father delights in communicating to us in a myriad of ways. He's interested in speaking into a wide range of our experiences from the most mundane to major life changing decisions. In this month's blog Dave shares a personal story of four ways he heard His voice communicating about what might be the most important subject of all... God's unconditional love for us!

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Tuning into the Voice we’ve always longed to hear
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Tuning into the Voice we’ve always longed to hear

What would you have loved to hear from your parents growing up? Whether you heard affirming messages from them or not, we all long to hear words of life. The great news of the Gospel is that Jesus has opened the way for us to experience the sheer joy of having a Heavenly Father who LOVES communicating with us. Learn how you can confidently distinguish the voice of our Heavenly Father from the other voices which speak into our minds.

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Whisper hearers
Don Reynard Don Reynard

Whisper hearers

So many of us are afraid that we’ll miss God’s gentle whispers. Or worse yet, that God may be whispering to others, but not to us. Dear friend, if you’re a believer in Jesus, let me reassure you: He’s whispering to you too.

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A Testimony of the Father’s Embrace
Don Reynard Don Reynard

A Testimony of the Father’s Embrace

I’ve always liked art, but I grew up with the impression that there were other more important things to do, especially if you have a missionary calling. Read the powerful story of how God used the process of creating a painting to reveal His Father’s heart.

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The Great Embrace
Don Reynard Don Reynard

The Great Embrace

Powerful experiences transform ordinary hugs into extraordinary embraces. Never was this more true than in the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15).

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