Tuning into the Voice we’ve always longed to hear
What would you have loved to hear from your parents growing up?
I love you.
I delight in you just for who you are.
I believe in you.
I’m proud of you.
I’m hurting with you.
Everybody makes mistakes sometimes.
May I help you?
What do you think?
What are you feeling right now?
Let’s take this to Jesus.
I’m sorry.
Do any of these make your list?
Whether or not you heard such life-giving words from your parents growing up, I imagine that all of us even now as adults long to hear more of these messages. But perhaps our parents are gone, or just not willing or able to communicate such things to us. What then? Are we stuck?
Photo credit: James Wheeler (Unsplash)
The great news of the Gospel is that Jesus has opened the way for us to experience the sheer joy of having a Heavenly Father who simply LOVES communicating with us. That was the message of the previous post entitled “Whisper Hearers” – that our Father is constantly, gently, and joyfully whispering words of grace and truth to His children. And that although we don’t hear His voice with our ears (often, or ever), we’ve nevertheless been designed as His image bearers to be able to hear His “still, small voice”. Even if we’re novices, all of us children of God are already hearing our Father.
Sit with that truth for a moment: the Best Parent Ever is constantly speaking edifying words of life to you. No matter the communication gaps you may have had as a child with your parents growing up, you have a Heavenly Father who will never push you away, give you the silent treatment, or withhold words of help and blessing. You have a Parent who is ready, willing, and able to give you His best (THE best) all the time. Can you imagine what it would be like to be tuned into that Voice every day? Could there be anything better?
So if we believe that we can hear from God, and that hearing from Him is incredibly life-giving, why are we so often hesitant to lean into such listening? There may be a number of different reasons, but I believe at the center of most is that we are concerned that we will confuse God’s voice with our own thoughts or, even worse, the devil’s voice. These are legitimate concerns which should not be taken lightly.
What we really need here, as in all areas of life, is wisdom from the Scriptures to help us discern God’s voice from all others. The following list is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully helpful.
The Scripture Test: is what you’re hearing consistent with God’s Word?
Jesus says in John 17:17, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.”
In a world full of uncertainty and evil, God’s Word is the one constant. It doesn’t change, because God doesn’t change. When we are unsure about what we’re hearing, confused in our own thoughts and feelings, and stumbling around in the darkness regarding our next steps, the Bible remains a lamp for our feet and a light on our path (Psalm 119:105). God’s Word alone is our norming norm, our true north, our ultimate authority, and the standard by which we measure all else.
So if you hear a voice inside your head telling you it’s OK to cheat on your taxes because the government is so wasteful and you can really use the extra money, you can know right away that it’s not the voice of your Heavenly Father because it contradicts the clear teaching of His Word (Romans 13:1-7). This first “test” may seem obvious, but it’s first on our list because it’s the most important and sadly the most neglected.
The Identity Test: is what you’re hearing consistent with your identity in Christ?
Followers of Jesus are forever united with Him (Philippians 2:1). In the same way that we can’t see an unborn child without first seeing her mother, so the Father never looks on us without seeing us “in Christ”. We are His Body, forever united with Jesus.
This has great significance for us, for it means that all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms which belong to Jesus now belong to us who are in Him (Ephesians 1:3). This means that we are chosen, predestined, adopted, redeemed, forgiven, included, and sealed in Christ – just to name a few from Ephesians 1.
So if you hear a voice inside your head telling you that if you don’t shape up, you’re going to be cast out, you know that it’s not the voice of your Heavenly Father because Jesus is the Eternal Son of God, and you are secure in Him. If you hear a message that you’re unlovable, again, you know it’s not your Father’s voice because Jesus is the Beloved of God, and therefore you also are beloved in Him.
The Edification Test: is what you’re hearing building you up in your walk with God?
When God speaks, it is always to strengthen, encourage, and comfort His children (1 Corinthians 14:3). Even when He rebukes us, He does so gently and kindly. His Father heart always speaks in a way which builds us up and inspires us to live the abundant life with Christ He saved us to enjoy (John 10:10b).
This stands in stark contrast with the devil who relentlessly aims to “steal, kill, and destroy” us (John 10:10a). He masquerades as an angel of light (and even God Himself) to tear us down and subtly erode our faith (2 Corinthians 11:14).
Have you ever heard any of these messages? “You’re such a disappointment to me!” “You’ve always been that way, and you always will be.” “Is this the thanks I get for dying for you?” This is not God, but rather the devil impersonating God. Such messages need to be rejected, and the messenger rebuked in Jesus’ Name.
The Fruit Test: is what you’re hearing leading you to make choices which bear good fruit?
One of the key distinctions between “wisdom from above” (i.e. God’s voice) and “earthly, unspiritual, demonic” wisdom is that listening to God’s voice leads us to bear good fruit for His glory. Listening to the voice of the world, the flesh, or the devil results in envy and selfish ambition (see James 3:15-17).
So if you hear a message inside your mind telling you to make an impulse purchase outside your budget because God loves you and wouldn’t want you to be the only person in your neighborhood without that cool “toy”, you can ask yourself, “Will such a purchase produce good fruit that will last?” If not, you can know that this impulse is not your Father’s voice, and instead make a better choice.
It's good to understand that sometimes God’s voice is so “still” and “small” that we can’t always immediately distinguish it from our own godly desires. If this happens, please don’t be paralyzed into inaction. Where do you think our godly desires came from in the first place? Not the devil! But ultimately, not even ourselves. If something is on our heart which aligns with Scripture, affirms our identity in Christ, encourages our growth in Him, and leads to good fruit for His glory, you can be confident that the ultimate source of the good desire is God, even if His voice is hard to distinguish from our own longing.
Much more, of course, could be said on this subject. But even without every potential nuance, please remember that our Lord and Shepherd Jesus says that all His followers can and do “know and listen to His voice” (John 10:4, 27). You have spiritual ears to hear what God is saying to you – which means that you can tune into the Voice you’ve always longed to hear … every moment of every day.
Simply ask your Heavenly Father, “What do You want to say to me now?” Wait on Him, and be prepared to be blessed.
Written by Don Reynard