We never want finances to get in the way of transformation and fruitfulness!
Embrace Ministry does not charge international teams for our services or the travel expenses of retreat facilitators. Attendees simply need to cover their room and board and arrive with an open heart.
It’s only through God’s gracious provision through donors, like you, we can offer this ministry to teams around the world and allow the financial entry point to be as low as possible.
The average cost of one Embrace Retreat is $3500.
Would you consider giving a generous gift today or sponsoring a future retreat to help us continue to ignite personal spiritual transformation for the sake of the gospel?
**EFCA ReachGlobal is the sending mission agency of Don Reynard, Dave Cox, and Cindy Golden, and has kindly agreed to receive all funds designated for Embrace ministry. All gifts are tax-deductible.
To Give by Check
Make Payable to:
EFCA ReachGlobal
(in memo: Embrace Ministry #5933)
Mail to:
EFCA ReachGlobal
901 East 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420-1300